Employment Verification Services

Price: $24.95

If you are making a decision based on the employment history that a candidate has provided to you, it is important to verify that the history is accurate. PeopleCheck will find the correct party to reach out to at the candidate’s past company to ensure you receive accurate information. We verify key details such as the employer’s name, the candidate’s dates of employment, and the title held by the candidate.

Time Saving: Allow our team of professionals to take care of the work associated with employment verification(s) to save your team time.
Unbiased Results: As a third party service, PeopleCheck can provide you with results that are free of any biases.
Confirm Previously Provided Information: Use employment verification to help support information provided to you by the candidate or references.


  • Why should I do an employment verification if I am doing references?
    References are beneficial because they allow you to get insight on a candidate from those who have interacted with them directly. Employment verification allows you to confirm fact-based information such as dates of employment and title. Sometimes referees can’t recall those details when completing a reference so doing both types of background checks gives you a complete picture.
  • What information is provided through an employment verification?
    You will receive a formal report issued by PeopleCheck with information such as the candidate’s start date, end date, and title as well as confirming that they were indeed an employee of that company/employer. 
  • What is the cost of an employment verification?
    The pricing for Employment Verification Services can be found on the Employment Verification Services page.
  • Can I verify more than one past employment per candidate?
    You can enter up to 3 employers to verify per form, with each verification costing one Employment Verification Services credit. If you need to verify more than 3, you can complete a second form.
  • My name has changed since I worked with the employment that is being verified - what do I do?
    As part of the employment verification process, we ask you what your name at time of employment was so we can ensure we are using the correct name when speaking with your past employer to avoid confusion.
  • Can I conduct an employment verification on myself?
    Currently we do not allow individuals to request employment verifications on themselves.
  • I’d like to have an employment verification done with an employer located outside of Canada. Is that something you can do?
    We are able to accommodate completing employment verification with employers located outside of Canada. For more information, please chat with us using our live chat or send us an email.